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Regal Hotels Group goes ahead and carries out the launching of its MetaGreen on The Sandbox. The prime aim and intention behind this happen to be the creation of further awareness regarding the important issue of sustainability, along with the building of a variety of green ecosystems. 

The entire exposure that one will be in the position of having will be inclusive of many individualistic interactive landmarks such as the eco-friendly Regal Hotel, Hang Seng Bank’s Metaverse Branch, UOB Art Space, and several retailers like the city’super, The Mills and LOG-ON. There also happens to be the opportunity of understanding ESG with the help of involved experiences, which will also open the doors for earning from a 50,000 SAND reward pool that has been set up. 

Regal Hotels happens to be the first eco-friendly hotel that has been created in MetaGreen, which again is the first green metropolis of its kind in The Sandbox. It duly contains all-around greenery and has a Presidential Suite along with many more luxurious ones. There is also the addition of bars, dining spaces, and a wellness zone which has also been fitted in. 

In order to maintain its eco-friendly character, the hotel utilizes wind turbines for the creation of energy that is required in terms of the cooling system. Through all of this, provisions have been made wherein players and non-players will be able to interact on issues related to farm-to-table, sustainable wellness, saving energy, and much more. This will all be made possible through gaming. 

With the inclusion of the Hang Seng Bank Metaverse Branch, players will be able to attain knowledge regarding ESG investments in an inclusive method. There will be ample opportunity for all visitors to suitably carry out interactions with others and understand Hang Seng’s green NFTs while partaking in thrilling mini-games, which helps increase knowledge regarding investments. 

Then comes the turn of the UOB Art Space, which exists in MetaGreen’s Art Park. This exhibits the winners in various artworks. This is available in both landscapes as well as figurative segments. The concept is for the layers to be assisting all of the connected non-players in the search for missing artwork. Further to all of that, there also happens to be the exhibiting of NFT artworks that have been duly built by the winners of the UOB Art in Ink Awards, which players have the option of buying. 

What follows is the City Supergroup which has merged with Regal Hotels Group for the building of all green and eco-conscious experiences in the MetaGreen and of a greener life pattern. Players here receive the opportunity of walking down a virtual path and get involved in interactive games containing relevant tips on issues related to the lessening of plastic waste, sustainable sourcing, and matters related to waste management. Finally, a player will find himself facing The Mill arena. 

At this very point, an engaged player will find himself in the position of understanding more factors related to tech-style creations and innovations, which ultimately assist in the lessening of garment waste, along with the lessening of pollution through production. Facts will also be made available regarding the circular economy. The entire concept happens to involve play and learning about facts on overall sustainability.

Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/metagreen-on-sandbox-regal-hotels-newly-launched-green-initiative-to-raise-sustainability-awareness/